HIS 101 History of Western Civilization I, Spring 2020

Grading and Assignment Requirements

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Course grading

Course grades are based on the following point scale:

Required assignments

Please note that to pass the course you must complete all of these required assignments.

Lots of extra credit

Late work

There are specific assignment deadlines in this course, and these are listed on the course schedule. You may submit any of the course required assignments late, but the maximum point value will then be reduced by one-half. You may not take the required final exam late.

Course drop, withdrawal and incomplete policies

Writing in the course

Proper grammar, spelling and style are an inherent part of each assignment in this course, and please check Charlie's History Writing Center for more information about specific writing style expectations. You can also watch the short YouTube video about the center.

Course progress

You are expected to make regular and steady progress in completing your course assignments and examinations. Please check your Canvas online gradebook for your grades. Once you begin this course, it is your responsibility to withdraw if you do not intend to finish it. If you do not withdraw and if you do not finish your course assignments, then you will receive a grade based upon the work that you have submitted. Usually, this grade is an "F."