Web Module Creation Assignment




The Maiden Tower (Giz Galasi) in the old town section of Baku, Azerbaijan dates to the twelfth century and stands almost 100 ft high. Photo credit: Lindsay Fincher
Maiden Tower
Students, with the instructor's permission, may opt to create a new web module assignment for your course. This is worth a maximum of 300 points.  (Yes, this means that there is built-in extra credit for completing this assignment.)  The module must fit both the chronological and topical boundaries of your course and should generally follow the same format--style variations are permitted and encouraged--as the other module assignments in the course.  This assignment will reflect a significant amount of work on the student's part.  You do not have to be a web-master to do this assignment.
Blue Separator Bar
  • Send an email explaining your proposed module topic and why you want to do it.  Your instructor can supply you with a list of possible topics depending on your interests.  You should look at some of the already-existing course modules to get a good idea of what is possible.
  • Each module must have the following components.
    • Timeline/chronology
    • Graphics or other media resources
    • Background text, written by the student, of approximately 250-300 words
    • An essay assignment for future students based on the material in the module
    • Recommended books
    • Annotated list of web resources (a minimum of 10 to 15 sources needed)
  • Please consult Charlie's History Writing Center for specific information on the writing requirements that you should follow.
  • You need to use to properly credit the source of each photo used, including a URL if relevant.
  • Any links that you list in your web resources must include a short annotation.
  • You can use the resources on the NVCC Library page to help you with finding recommended books and websites and other sources for use on your web page.
  •  You may choose to listen to some short remarks by your instructor about this assignment as a mp3 file.  You can also read the instructions as a txt file.
  • Please look for any materials that you can find online about how to create a web page using a blog. (I believe that there is something by Viraj David, a former student.) This is a quick and easy way to put your content online.
  • There are many different tools that you might use to create a website: Google sites, Composer (part of the Mozilla project), Blogger/Blogspot, Jimdo, Webnode, Weebly, Wix, Spruz (not really a website creator), Dreamweaver, and many more. Weebly and Wix are both pretty easy to use.
  • Do not use any commercially-available multimedia materials because of copyright concerns.  You can use images from the copyright free image banks that are commercially available.
  • Sites created in a foreign language are welcome, if you would prefer to do that.
  • You may wish to consult the resources such as my New Web Design Center.
  • When you are ready, send me the URL of your work for feedback. You should make make your revisions before receiving a final grade.  Your work will then become part of the course and be available online; so do a great job!
  • The web module assignment project is worth a maximum of 300 points.

This page is copyright © 2010-15, C.T. Evans
For information contact cevans@nvcc.edu