HIS 135, History of the Contemporary World
Fall 2009
  Course Information and Policies
OVERVIEW AND OBJECTIVES:  This course is designed to introduce you to the history and culture of the contemporary world since 1945.  In this course, you will learn about some of the important political, economic, social, intellectual, cultural and religious changes that have shaped the development of recent world civilization, and you will have an opportunity to place your own family within the historical context of the past fifty+ years.  Grading in the course is based on written assignments and classwork that demonstrates critical thinking.  It is expected that students possess college-level writing skills.
BOOKS:  The text for the course is Findley/Rothney, Twentieth-Century World, 6th ed.  (Any edition is acceptable.)
COURSE WEBSITE:  The website for this course, novaonline.nvcc.edu/eli/evans/campus/HIS135/Index.html, contains all of the class materials and assignments.  Please note that my syllabus is closely interlinked with the NOVA Online (online) version of the course (novaonline.nvcc.edu/eli/evans/HIS135/Index.html).  Try not to get lost as you go back and forth! 

BLACKBOARD: There is a Blackboard support site for the course. Log into Blackboard from the MyNova tab on the college home page. You will find an online gradebook in Blackboard, where you can track your grades, and also a discussion board, where you will be able to exchange ideas on assignments. You do earn points for posting on the discussion board.

ACCOMMODATION:  If there is any student in this class who has the need for some form of classroom accommodation, please feel free to discuss this with one of the college's counselors. 

PLAGIARISM:  Any student caught plagiarizing or cheating in this course will be subject to appropriate disciplinary action.  Please read and understand my plagiarism policy.
CLASSROOM BEHAVIOR:  Improper or impolite classroom behavior will not be tolerated.  There will be no use of cell phones, pagers, text messengers, blackberries, I-pods or any other device that interferes with the class.  If necessary, I will also reconsider allowing the use of notebook computers in class.
ATTENDANCE:  Attendance is required.  There is extra credit for class attendance.

This page is copyright © 2009, C.T. Evans
For information contact cevans@nvcc.edu