Osiris, ca. Ancient Egypt BCE; British Museum
Medium: Bronze
Dimensions: Height: 5.70 centimetres (max)
After Isis, Osiris was the most important of the Egyptian gods. He was god of the dead, "lord of the underworld," judge of the dead, god of resurrection, protector, and god of the Nile floods. He was usually portrayed with a pharaoh's beard, mummy-wrapped legs, holding the shepherd's crook and farmer's flail (symbols of divine authority and wearing an atef crown.crook and flail
"Atef is the specific feathered white crown of the ancient Egyptian deity Osiris. It combines the Hedjet, the white crown of Upper Egypt, with curly red ostrich feathers on each side of the crown for the Osiris cult. The feathers are identified as ostrich from their curl or curve at the upper ends, with a slight flare toward the base....The Atef crown ...is a symbol of the ruler of the underworld. The tall bulbous white piece in the center of the crown is between two ostrich feathers. The feathers represent truth and justice." (Wikipedia)
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