HIS 112 Special Project Information

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Classical music concert. 50 points. Attend a classical symphony, chamber concert or opera and submit a short, two-page report explaining what you heard, who the composer was and how his music fit into the classical era. Please submit either a photo of yourself (or a photo of a brochure or ticket) as evidence of your visit.

Vietnam Memorial. 50 points. Visit the Vietnam Memorial in Washington, D.C. and submit a two-page essay on one of the following themes: (1) explain how the monument was characteristic of the artistic movement known as "Minimalism" (after defining Minimalism); (2) explain how, first, France and, then, the United States became involved in Vietnam and what the outcome was.

Museums (Please feel free to make suggestions, especially to an out-of-town museum like any of those located in New York. See also the project created by students, a trip to the Art Institute of Chicago.)

Cold War Museum (50 points) or the Cold War Gallery of the U.S. Navy Museum

National Gallery of Art. 50 points. Visit the collection of the Impressionists at the National Gallery of Art and submit a brief, two-page essay explaining how certain, specific paintings illustrate some of the characteristics of Impressionism. Please submit either a photo of yourself (or a photo of a brochure or ticket) as evidence of your visit.

Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History (50 points). Visit the Korea Gallery at the Museum of Natural History and submit one-two page essay explaining what you discovered. Note some specific artifacts from the exhibit. Please submit either a photo of yourself (or a photo of a brochure or ticket) as evidence of your visit.

Dumbarton Oaks. 50 points. Visit Dumbarton Oaks at 1703 32nd St., NW, and describe what you saw. Also include a brief, two-page report of the founding of the United Nations (part of which took place at 1944 meetings at Dumbarton Oaks) and its development. Please submit either a photo of yourself (or a photo of a brochure or ticket) as evidence of your visit.

National Air and Space Museum. 50 points. Visit the National Air and Space Museum on the Mall and write a short, two-page report that describes the exhibits and how they fit into the space race. Please submit either a photo of yourself (or a photo of a brochure or ticket) as evidence of your visit.

Holocaust Museum. 50 points. Visit the Holocaust Memorial Museum in DC and write a short, two-page report describing the Holocaust and its impact on the Western World. Please submit either a photo of yourself (or a photo of a brochure or ticket) as evidence of your visit.

Freer Gallery (50 points). Visit the Asian art collections at the Freer Gallery and submit a brief essay explaining how certain specific paintings/sculptures/artworks defined some characteristics of Asian art in the nineteenth century. Please submit either a photo of yourself (or a photo of a brochure or ticket) as evidence of your visit.

Arthur M. Sackler Gallery (50 points). Visit the Asian art collections at the Arthur M. Sackler Gallery and submit a brief essay explaining how certain specific paintings/sculptures/artworks defined some characteristics of Asian art in the twentieth century (Cite some specific examples.). Please submit either a photo of yourself (or a photo of a brochure or ticket) as evidence of your visit.

National Museum of African Art (50 points). Visit the collections at the National Museum of African Art and submit a brief essay explaining how the museum's collection of masks and sculpture indicate some of the characteristics of African art (Cite some specific examples.). Please submit either a photo of yourself (or a photo of a brochure or ticket) as evidence of your visit.

Art Museum of the Americas (50 points). Visit the collections at the Art Museum of the Americas and submit a brief essay explaining how the museum's collection illustrates some of the directions taken by Latin American art since 1945 (Cite some specific examples.). Please submit either a photo of yourself (or a photo of a brochure or ticket) as evidence of your visit.

The Phillips Collection. 50 points. Visit the collection of modernist paintings at the Phillips Collection and submit a brief, two-page essay explaining how certain, specific paintings illustrate some of the characteristics of modernism. Please submit either a photo of yourself (or a photo of a brochure or ticket) as evidence of your visit.

Walters Art Museum (50 points). Visit the Walters Art Museum and submit a brief essay explaining what is so wonderful about a Chinese vase (Cite some specific examples.) Please submit either a photo of yourself (or a photo of a brochure or ticket) as evidence of your visit.

Hillwood Museum & Gardens (50 points). Visit the beautiful collections of the Hillwood Museum & Gardens and submit a brief essay describing the work of Fabergé's Russian workshop (Cite some specific examples.). Please submit either a photo of yourself (or a photo of a brochure or ticket) as evidence of your visit.

International Spy Museum (50 points). Visit the International Spy Museum and submit a brief essay examining the role of espionage in the Cold War (Cite some specific examples.). Please submit either a photo of yourself (or a photo of a brochure or ticket) as evidence of your visit.

Interview project. 100 points. Interview and record the views of at least five people who lived through, or participated in, one of the following: the Great Depression, World War I, World War II, the postwar Cold War, the Korean War, the Vietnam War or the 1973 Arab-Israeli War. Using the information in the textbook and the quotations of the people interviewed, write a short, organized three-page paper about the impact of that event on the lives of people in the world.