You have a choice of assignments now, but here are some notes to consider: (a) You must do at least 150 points worth of assignments, but you may do more with your instructor's permission; (b) You may only do a maximum of two items from this list; (c) my short video on this assignment notes an incorrect point total of 250 points--that's from the olden days.
- Web Module Creation Assignment or a website creation (200 points) The difference between the two options: the web module creates an assignment for future students in the course; the website is simply a website focused on a specific topic.
- a Story Map on an approved topic from your course (175 points possible)
- an online Timeline (150 points)
- an Online Exhibit (150 points)
- a Data Visualization project (150 points)
- My Family and History paper (100 points)
- Paragraph One (25 points)
- Paragraph Two (25 points)
- a research paper of at least five pages on an instructor-approved topic for a negotiated point value (There are two examples of great research papers on Canvas, under Course Documents: Anne Dixon on NAFTA and David Kline on Stan Lee.) (150 points)
- Some of these projects can be accomplished using Tumblr. Here is an example by Savanna Mullens, Modern Day Serial Killers. Let me know if you want to try.
Your assignment should be submitted on Canvas.
You do not have to pick political topics for your project.
Finally, I love to link to your online projects (website, exhibit, data visualization, timeline, world history) so that future students will benefit from your work. As you've progressed through the course, you've already seen some really great student project, and each semester a few more student projects get added into the course. So please do a great job and become part of the course!