Read the Primary Chronicle excerpts. Be sure to review the remarks by Professor Evans on Kyivan Rus' and to check the document notes. Read also what Melissa Lauderdale has written about Perun, and what Lara Brandes has written about St. Andrew. Both Lara and Melissa were students in my history courses.
Answer the following question in a paragraph: Citing specific evidence from the Primary Chronicle excerpts (not from the textbook), what were some of the main features of the political system (or lack thereof) of Kyivan Rus'?
This assignment calls for analysis of this important historical document. Do not just write a paragraph in which you repeat what is stated in the Chronicle; you should write your paragraph explaining how the information in the Chronicle can be interpreted to support your thesis (your answer to the assignment question). You may also wish to look at the Sample Historical Document Analysis, if you have not yet done so.
Watch the short video on this paragraph assignment. You can also watch the short video on the HIS 101-111 midterm exam, which is also based on the Primary Chronicle.
Your paragraph must follow this format.
- begin with a concise topic sentence (sentence 1) that directly responds to the assigned question (no need to define terms or cite a dictionary) and that identifies your analysis/thesis points.
- font size 10 or 12 only
- one-inch margins
- double-spaced
- direct, quoted material to support your points
- name, and only your name, at the top left of the paper
- about one-half page in length (not to exceed 3/4 page)
- You may consider submitting a draft of your assignment to your instructor for feedback before submitting the assignment for the grade. At times, you may be asked to rewrite your work. This is done for your own benefit and will result in an improved grade.
Please take a moment to review Charlie's History Writing Center for specific information on the writing requirements for the assignments in the course. Please check this short explanation of what it means to cite historical evidence.
Your assignment should be submitted on Canvas.