Selected Cold War Chronology

September 1939


German, and then the Russian, invasion of Poland

February 1945 Crimea Yalta conference
April 1945 USA Death of FDR Harry Truman President, 1945-1952,  (end of Lend/Lease; Molotov incident; remark in Senate abotu backing either side in war)
May 1945

Victory in Europe (VE) Day
1945 July-August 1945  At the Potsdam Conference in the summer of 1945 leaders of the victorious allied powers decided upon the division of Germany.  That decision meant that Germany would become the center of East-West rivalry in the following years.  Critics of the conference proceedings have long argued that the absence of Franklin Roosevelt and Winston Churchill allowed Stalin to dominate the proceedings and ensure that communist regimes became firmly entrenched in Eastern Europe.
First Un Meetin in San Francisoo

September 1945

Victory in Japan (VJ) Day
1947 Central and Eastern Europe
Marshall Plan to rebuild Europe (Czech opted out)
1947 USA Truman Doctrine.  President Truman announced U.S. aid to Turkey and Greece independence and other coutnries threatened by communism
1947 Rio Pact U.S. influences most Latin American countries to ban communist parties and accept a collective security agreement
1948   Berlin Airlift
1948   Cominforn and Tito problem
1948 OAS Organization of American States follows Rio Pact
1949 Soviet Union Exploded their first atomic bomb
1949   Communist China
1949 Germany Federal Republic of West Germany created
1950 NATO North Atlantic Treaty Organization (U.S., Canada, Denmark, Norway, Iceland, Italy, and Portugal) created (Greece and Turkey in 1952)
1950 NSC NCS-68, a secret planning document
Rosenberg spy case, alger hiss, mcarthyism

1950 USA Central Intelligence Agency created
1950-1953 Korean War North Korea attacks South Korea (UN intervention when Russia missing; China)
1951 Europe European Coal and Steel Authority merged mines and steel mills in France, West Germany, Italy and the Benelux countries
1953 Soviet Union Stalin’s Death (struggle for power)
1953 Soviet Union Exploded their hydrogen bomb (nine months after the U.S. did)
1953   Unrest in East Germany
1953-1961 USA Dwight D. Eisenhower President (Cento, Baghdad pact, non-aligned movement, Nassar)
1954 Vietnam Vietminh defeated the French at the Battle of Dien Bien Phu, US later started protecting S.  Vietnam after Paris Accords

1955 Warsaw Pact Alliance of Eastern European client states
1956   Secret Speech, crimes of the Stalin era, cult of personality
1956 Poland  
1956 Hungary Revolted against Soviet domination (U.S. would not interfere)
1956 USA Retaliated against allies (British, French, and Israelis) invading Egypt in Suez Crisis; Aswan Dam
1956-1964 Soviet Union Nikita S. Khrushchev
1957 Europe France, West Germany, Italy and the Benelux countries signed the Treaties of Rome and formed the European Economic Commision (EEC)

1958-1969 France General de Gaulle wanted Europe to be independent of the bi-polar powers of U.S. and Soviet domination, ousted NATO from France, attacked the international monetary system, demanding gold for payments
1960   National Liberation Movements and Domino theory
1959 Cuba Fidel Castro came to power after the Cuban Revolution
1960 Vietnam National Liberation Front (FLN in French) started guerrilla operations in S. Vietnam jungles
1961 Cuba Cuban refugees formed by CIA overtaken at the Bay of Pigs
1961 Soviet Union Berlin Wall built to keep people in
1961-1963 USA John F. Kennedy President
1962 Cuba/USA Cuban Missile Crisis with missile bases in Cuba
1963-1969 USA Lyndon B. Johnson President
1963   Test Ban Treaty
1964 USA Nobel Peace Prize awarded to Martin Luther King
1967   Seven Day War between Israel and Arabs
1968 Vietnam The FLN achieved great successes and infiltrated the American Embassy, bringing the war almost  to a close in the Tet Offensive
1968   Prague Spring; Communism with a human Face
1968 USA Martin Luther King assassinated
1969-1974 USA Richard M. Nixon President
1972 China/USA President Nixon visits China
1972 Soviet Union/USA President Nixon and Leonid Brezhnev come to terms after 3 yrs of Strategic Arms Limitation Talks (SALT I)
1973 Vietnam Withdrawal of U.S. troops
1973   Arab-Israel Conflict again (Russia vs US)
1973 OPEC Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries created to control costs
1974   Angola, Ethiopia, Mozambique, Cambodia, Laos, Somalia (1969), Sudan, Congo
1975 Vietnam The war was lost when North Vietnamese entered Saigon
1975 Europe European Security Conference in Helsinki, Finland, European countries and the U.S. promised to honor each others borders
1977-1981 USA Jimmy Carter President
1979 Soviet Union/USA President Carter and Soviets come to terms on the second Strategic Arms Limitation Talks (SALT II)
1979 Soviet Union / Afghanistan Soviet invasion of Afghanistan when Afghans held the pro-soviet governments in contempt
1981-1987 USA Ronald Reagan President
1985 Soviet Union Mikhail Gorbachev became President
1986 Soviet Union / USA Intermediate nuclear forces (INF treaty) held to eliminate ground based missiles
1987 Soviet Union / USA Reagan-Gorbachev summit held to ensure INF weapons destroyed
1987-1991 USA George Bush President
1987-1991 USA Wall Street crash
1989 Soviet Union Berlin Wall falls
1991 Soviet Union Collapse (December 25th) into 15 separate and independent countries
1991 Soviet Union Warsaw Pact and Comecon dissolved, Soviet Union became the "Commonwealth of Independent States"
1991 Iraq/Kuwait President Bush/Saddam Hussein in the Persion Gulf War
1991 European Union Voted to have a single European currency by the year 2000 to strengthen the European economy
1991-1996 Bosnia Civil war between Serbians, Croats, and Bosnian Muslims
1991-1999 USA Bill Clinton President
1992 Soviet Union / USA Bush and Boris Yeltsin formally end the Cold War
1993 EEC Became the European Union w/new members Britain, Ireland, Denmark, Greece, Spain and Portugal
1998 European Union 7 European nations lifted passport examination between their borders

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