1. You must use Canvas to submit an assignment or extra credit work to your instructor.
When you log into your Canvas course, you will find that each assignment has a submission button/link. Find the assignment that you want to submit, attach your assignment and then submit. You will receive a confirmation message that your assignment was submitted. When you submit a required assignment, it will automatically be sent through software to check for plagiarism issues.
2. Follow the same procedure if you are resubmitting an assignment.
This would apply after you have reviewed your instructor's feedback and rewritten your assignment.
3. Please do not submit more than one assignment or extra credit item at a time.
Your instructor will not accept more than one submission for grading per calendar day. This requirement does not apply to discussion posts.
4. Failure to follow these instructions may mean that an assignment will not reach your instructor.
If a submitted item does not reach your instructor with the required identifying information, or in a format that is incorrect or improper, he/she will return the work ungraded with a request for resubmission.
5. You can expect to receive timely feedback on your assignments.
Once you have sent an assignment to your instructor, you can expect a response within 24-48 hours. That feedback will appear on your Canvas gradebook when you click on your assignment grade. If you do not see a grade and feedback within three days, please contact your instructor to confirm receipt of the assignment.
6. When you have course/assignment questions, or when you want to send a draft of an assignment, then you should use your student email to email your professor.
7. Always be courteous and polite in all of your email communications with your professor and college staff.
Let me repeat that we expect all emails from you to be formal, courteous and polite. Please also remember that you are not on a first name basis with your instructor, who should always be addressed as "professor."
- Email exchanges are considered to be formal communication; email is not IM, chat, texting, messaging, etc. So, formal English style and grammar usage should always be observed.
- Please address your professor and always include your name in your email.
- No IM contractions/acronyms, no misspellings, no slang is allowed; an email message may be returned to you for correction.
- Please also note that inappropriate, aggressive, antagonistic, or impolite email will be forwarded to the appropriate college administrator for possible disciplinary action.
8. You should use your official VCCS email for your communications with your instructor.
Northern Virginia Community College and the Virginia Community College System (VCCS) ask you to use your official VCCS student e-mail account because of security and privacy concerns. You can access your official e-mail account by logging into MyNova on the college website. There is also an online Student Email Guidelines. Student technical support information for NVCC is at the college's IT Help Desk. If you wish, you can set up your student email to forward your messages to another email account. Log into your student email and click on the "Settings" option. Then select "Forwarding and POP/IMAP," and there you can enter the email address that you want your student email to forward to.