HIS 102 (Spring 2014)
8 Week Course Assignment Schedule
3 February Start Date


Grades are recorded in the gradebook in Blackboard. For an explanation of the critical course deadlines, highlighted on the schedule in bold, please see the course syllabus.

Week Starts Topic Required Assignments and Critical Course Deadlines Due Date Possible
3 February Unit 1: Introduction Introduction Paragraph, Syllabus Quiz and Blackboard Post 8 am
10 February
10 February Unit 2: Seventeenth-Century Europe

Seventeenth-Century paragraph
Last Refund Date/First Assignment Due Date Deadline (11 February)

8 am
13 February
Unit 3: Scientific Revolution and Enlightenment American paragraph 8 am
17 February
17 February Unit 4: French Revolution   8 am
21 February

Unit 5: Industrial Revolution Dickens paper 8 am
24 February
24 February Unit 6: Russia in Revolt?   8 am
27 February
Unit 7: Socialism Midterm Exam 3 March 150
3 March Unit 8: Nationalism Bismarck Paragraph 8 am
6 March
Unit 9: Imperialism *Optional Imperialism paper
Last Withdrawal Date (8 March)
8 am
10 March
10 March Unit 10: The Great War *Optional Remarque paper 8 am
13 March
Unit 11: Russian Revolution Web paper 8 am
17 March
17 March Unit 12: Fascism Hitler paragraph 8 am
20 March
Unit 13: World War II Extra Credit Special project paper 8 am
24 March
24 March Unit 14: Cold War *Optional Solzhenitsyn paper 8 am
27 March
Unit 15: Final Exam Final exam
Course End Date (30 March)
30 March 250
Any Week   Online Discussion (Post during the course.)   50
* You must do one of these book paper assignments.
Blue Separator Bar

The specific assignment deadlines in this course are listed on the course schedule.

There are extra credit options available in each unit of the course: (1) You may submit one item of extra credit in each unit of the course; (2) you may not submit extra credit work from a unit once that unit has been completed; (3) you may not submit extra credit work if you are not up-to-date on the course required assignments.

Course grades are based on the following scale:

  • 1,000-900:  A
  •    899-800:  B
  •    799-700:  C
  •    699-600:  D
  •    599-000:  F



All materials on this site are copyright © 2010-14, C. T. Evans
For information contact cevans@nvcc.edu