Since all students should enjoy their enrollment in this history course and, at the same time, earn the best possible grade, each student may do one of the HIS 112 Special Projects listed for extra credit. Each project should be about two pages (maybe longer) in length. In addition, your project must include complete bibliographic citation at the top left of the page (if necessary) with your name and date. Some projects have different requirements. Watch my short video on the extra credit special project paper.
I will also accept as an extra credit special project.
- For up to 50 points of extra credit, submit the Pop Culture paper in which you look at some aspects of the growing spread of pop culture throughout the world. Topic must be pre-approved by your instructor.
- a My Family and History paper that requires you to examine your family's history in light of the historical events of the past half century. Point value is 50 points possible extra credit for a two-page paper (less for one page).
- a Historical Translation assignment in which you translate a short passage from a French historical work using online, software tools--you do not really need to know French. Point value is 50 points possible. Also have German, Italian and Russian options available.
Please take a moment to review Charlie's History Writing Center for specific information on the writing requirements for the assignments in the course. Please check this short explanation of what it means to cite historical evidence.
Your assignment should be submitted on Canvas.