My college home page
C.T. Evans History Page
Twitter: @steelrameagle
Loudoun Campus Humanities Division: 703.450.2505

Pavel and Boris

I have a short introduction video on YouTube.
Hi. My name is Charlie Evans, and I will be your instructor for your history course. I presently teach HIS 101-102, 111-112, 135, 218, 241-242 at NOVA Online and sometimes at the Loudoun campus or the Reston center of Northern Virginia Community College. These are all online courses that I have created and developed myself.
I began teaching at NVCC in the fall of 1991. Before that, I finished my Ph. D at the University of Virginia where I specialized in nineteenth-century Russian intellectual history. (If you are interested, you can read some of my remarks about influential history professors that I studied with while in undergraduate and graduate school.) Before going to grad school, I worked for two years as an electrical test engineer at Newport News Shipyard building nuclear attack submarines of the Los Angeles class. Prior to that, I attended the University of Notre Dame where I earned undergraduate degrees in electrical engineering and history.
I have directed quite a few grant projects while at NVCC, and I am involved with several online history projects, which you are welcome to check out.
During the semester, my office hours at the Loudoun campus are listed on my college home page. The easiest way to contact me is through email. I usually respond to emails within twenty-four hours maximum. If you do choose to telephone and leave a voice-mail message, then please speak clearly and leave your name, the course in which you are enrolled, a telephone number where I can reach you and a short summary of your question.
If you wish extra credit for viewing the ELI Student Orientation in unit 1 of your course, then you should review your entire online course, check the online ELI student orientation website and e-mail me any questions that you might have about the course.

Aleks and Feliks observe the kitchen floor.
Please remember that you should keep copies of all of your coursework and graded assignments, including all of the emails that you send (Canvas should automatically send you copies of your email). Please use the appropriate course schedule and Canvas gradebook to keep track of your grades. If you should run into any problems whatsoever at any time in the course, please contact me so we can work things out.
Finally, please remember to make frequent use of the materials in Charlie's History Writing Center.