My history web page has a list of all of my web-based history and teaching projects.
My former college home page has links to all my courses and some of my teaching aids.

Ph. D., History, University of Virginia, August 1991.
Dissertation: "Count Sergei Stroganov and the Development of Moscow University, 1835-1847."
Advisor: Professor Walter Sablinsky
M.A., History, University of Virginia, August 1986.
Thesis: "Evgenii Varga: A Soviet View of the Postwar Capitalist World."
B.A., History, and B.S., Electrical Engineering, University of Notre Dame, May 1982
Emeritus Professor, Northern Virginia Community College, 2023-present
Director of the Public History and Historic Preservation Certificate Program, Professor of History, Division of Humanities, Northern Virginia Community College, Loudoun campus, 2012-2022 (assistant dean of history for some years in there)
Professor of History, Division of Humanities, Northern Virginia Community College, Loudoun campus, 2002-2022
Associate Professor, Division of Humanities, Northern Virginia Community College, Loudoun campus, 1998-2002
Assistant Professor, Division of Humanities, Northern Virginia Community College, Loudoun campus, 1993-98
Instructor, Division of Humanities, Northern Virginia Community College, Loudoun campus, 1991-93
Instructor, Department of History, University of Virginia, Fall 1988
Instructor, Division of Continuing Education, University of Virginia, Spring 1988
Teaching Assistant, Department of History, University of Virginia, 1985-90
Electrical Test Engineer, Newport News Shipbuilding and D.D. Co., Newport News, VA, 1982-84. Responsible for the supervision of on-board testing and construction of electrical control systems for submarine nuclear power plant
Spring 2019, Virginia Community College System, for a web resource site, Data Visualizations of the Great War, 1914-1918
Spring 2017, Northern Virginia Community College Educational Foundation, Educational Foundation Award for the Northern Virginia Journal of Public History and Historic Preservation and the Purcellville History Harvest
Fall 2014, Virginia Community College System, for a translation and accompanying web resource site, The Great War through French Eyes
Spring 2013, National Endowment for the Humanities, proposal writer for the Community College Humanities Association, "India's Past and the Making of the Present," summer institute 2013 ($200,000 not included in dollar calculation of total grant awards below)
Summer 2012-Summer 2014, Virginia Community College System, Chancellor's Commonwealth Professorship, Rethinking the Teaching of History Survey Courses
Fall 2012, Virginia Community College System, for a web resource site, Comparing World War II Experiences: African-American Soldiers in the U.S. Army and the Tirailleurs Sénégalais in the French Army
Spring 2012, Virginia Community College System, for a web resource site, Amadou Hampâté Bâ and the Uncertain Fortunes of French West Africa
Summer 2011, Virginia Community College System, for a web resource site, Pramoedya Ananta Toer: Critic of the Dutch Colonial World and Decolonization in Indonesia
Spring 2011, National Endowment for the Humanities, proposal writer for the Community College Humanities Association, "The Cultural and Historical Development of Modern India," summer institute 2011 ($226,000 not included in dollar calculation of total grant awards below)
Fall 2010, Virginia Community College System, for a Local Digital History Archive (now called the Northern Virginia Digital History Archive)
Fall 2010, Northern Virginia Community College Educational Foundation, Educational Foundation Award for Explorations in Digital Humanities, part of the DIGI Project (website no longer available)
Spring 2008, National Endowment for the Humanities, proposal writer for the Community College Humanities Association, "Bharata Darshan: The Past and the Present in the Study of India’s History and Culture," summer institute 2008 ($178,000 not included in dollar calculation of total grant awards below)
Fall 2007, Northern Virginia Community College, Professional Development College-wide Initiative to support "The Humanities in the Twenty-First Century" Project (website no longer available)
Fall 2007, National Endowment for the Humanities, director of a faculty humanities workshop, The Humanities in the Twenty-First Century (website no longer available)
Spring 2003, Northern Virginia Community College Educational Foundation, Educational Foundation Award to purchase database software for support of distance education courses
Spring 2001, Northern Virginia Community College, Technology Grant Award to direct the continuing development of the Dogwood Project (website no longer available)
Spring 2000, Northern Virginia Community College, Technology Grant Award to direct the development of a pilot virtual learning community, Dogwood (website no longer available)
Fall 1999, National Endowment for the Humanities, director of a national education project entitled Advancing the Humanities through Technology at Community Colleges
Summer 1999, Ford Foundation, American Historical Association-Community College Humanities Association partnership, co-director of a summer research seminar at the Library of Congress on Globalizing Regional Studies
Spring 1999, Northern Virginia Community College, Technology Grant Award to direct the development of a pilot virtual learning community, Dogwood (website no longer available)
Spring 1999, Virginia Community College System, Research Grant Award to develop a series of web-based study modules for the history of Western Civilization and Contemporary World Civilization courses
Fall 1998, Virginia Community College System, Research Grant Award to develop an interactive multimedia program dealing with the Paris Peace Conference of 1919
Summer 1998, Virginia Community College System, Research Grant Award to study the work of the Russian Islamicist Vasilii Barthold
Spring 1998, National Endowment for the Humanities, director of a focus grant entitled Teaching the Humanities in a World Wide Web Environment (website no longer available)
Fall 1997, Virginia Community College System Courseware Project Request-for-Partners Award to Develop a World Wide Web Course Model
Summer 1997, Carl D. Perkins Vocational and Applied Technology Grant for application of Multimedia Technology to Teaching the Western Civilization Courses
Spring 1997, Northern Virginia Community College, Course Development Stipend
Spring 1997, Virginia Community College System, Research Grant Award to develop a CD-ROM of Resources for Teaching the History of Western Civilization
Summer 1996, National Endowment for the Humanities, director of a national institute to study Islamic History and Cultures
Summer 1994, National Endowment for the Humanities, director of a summer faculty study grant at Northern Virginia Community College to study Islamic History and Culture
Fall 1995, Virginia Community College System, Research Grant Award to develop a Multimedia Approach to Teaching World History
Fall 1995, Perkins Tech-Prep Grant for development of a Historic Preservation Program
Summer 1995, Virginia Community College System, Research Grant Award to research Islamic Studies in Imperial Russia
Spring 1993, Northern Virginia Community College, "Classroom of the Future" Project for a Multimedia Laboratory at the Loudoun Campus
Summer 1992, Annenberg/CPB course development stipend as part of a grant for distance education history courses
Summer 1997, 1996, 1995, 1994, 1993, Summer Research Library, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Academic Enhancement Program Fellowship, University of Virginia, 1989-1991
Foreign Language Area Studies Fellowship, Center for Russian and East European Studies, University of Virginia, 1988-1989
Governor's Fellowship and Henry Clay Marchant Fellowships, Department of History, University of Virginia, 1987
Summer Foreign Language Institute Fellowship, University of Virginia, 1987
Total approximate grant funding awarded = $1,057,724
(translation) Georges Boucheron, L'Assaut: l'Argonne et Vauquois avec la 10e division, 1914-1915 (Paris, 1917) [The Assault: The Argonne and Vauquois with the Tenth Division, 1914-1915]
(translation) Lefèvre, Le Carnet de campagne du sergent Lefèvre, 1914-1916 (Tours, 1916) [The Campaign Notebook of Sergeant Lefèvre, 1914-1916]
(translation) Jean Galtier-Boissière, En rase campagne, 1914. Un hiver à Souchez, 1915-1916 [The War of Maneuver in 1914]
Beaver Meadow Railroad and Coal Company
Northern Lehigh School District
Hermann L. Weber (Magicpedia entry)
(with Jennifer Lerner) Project Pedagogy: Ideas for Better Teaching (2005); Second edition as Project Pedagogy: Some Ideas for Better Teaching (2009)
Instructor's Resource Manual for Twentieth-Century World, 6th ed., by Carter Findley and John Rothney (2006)
"Project Outcomes [Determinants of Successful Web Development Projects]." Community College Humanities Review 23 (Spring 2002): 7-18
Editor and Introduction. "Advancing the Humanities through Technology at Community Colleges." Community College Humanities Review 23 (Spring 2002)
Editor and Introduction. "Globalizing Regional Studies: Crossing Intellectual, Institutional and International Borders and Strengthening Area Studies through World History." Community College Humanities Review, special issue
"Vasilii Barthold: Orientalism in Russia?" Russian History. 26 (Spring 1999): 25-44
"Berezin, Il'ia Nikolaevich." The Supplement to the Modern Encyclopedia of Russian, Soviet, and Eurasian History, volume 4. Gulf Breeze, FL: Academic International, 1999
"Bartold, Vasilii Vladimirovich." The Supplement to the Modern Encyclopedia of Russian, Soviet, and Eurasian History, volume 3. Gulf Breeze, FL: Academic International, 1999
"Teaching the History Survey Course Using Multimedia Techniques." American Historical Association Perspectives, 36 February 1998): 17-19
Editor and Introduction. "Studies in Islamic History and Culture." Community College Humanities Review, special issue (Fall 1997)
"Studying Islamic History and Culture." Virginia Community College Association Journal, 10 (Spring 1996): 6-10
"Debate in the Soviet Union? Evgenii Varga and His Analysis of Postwar Capitalism, 1946-50." Essays in History, 32 (1989): 1-17
Review of The Compleat Handbook and Glossary of Soviet Education, by George Fletcher, and Russian and Soviet Education, 1731-1989, by William Brickman. In East/West Education 14 (Fall 1993): 174-75
Review of Vergleichende Bildungsforschung und Systemwandel im östlichen Europa, by Wolfgang Hörner. In East/West Education, 15 (Spring 1994): 92-93
"Islamic History and Culture in the Humanities Curriculum." Community College Humanities Association Conference, New Orleans, October 1997
"Multimedia and the Introductory History Survey Course." Envisioning the Future Conference, H-NET: Humanities and Social Sciences OnLine, Michigan State University, September 1997
"Incorporating Islamic History and Culture in the Humanities: Report on a NEH-Sponsored Summer Institute at Northern Virginia Community College." Community College Humanities Association Conference, Washington, DC, November 1995
Mysteries of the Hybrid Course Revealed, August 2015
Digital Humanities: Some Thoughts, Virginia Military Institute, May 2015
Digital Assignments: Using Web-Based Tools to Go Beyond Just Writing Papers, January 2015
Putting Content Online Using Blogger/Blogspot, August 2012
Library resources and Online Materials, January 2009
Online Assignments, August 2009
"Practical Applications of Educational Technology," Community College of Rhode Island, 12 May 2000
"The Changing Nature of History Instruction and Technology," Roanoke College, 1 June 1998
2012-2014, Virginia Community College System, Chancellor's Commonwealth Professorship
2001 Virginia Community College System Technology in Education Award
1997 Outstanding Service to the College Award, Northern Virginia Community College Educational Foundation
Russian, French, German and Italian
American Association for the Advancement of Slavic Studies
American Historical Association (See the member spotlight post.)
Community College Humanities Association
Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers
Southern Conference on Slavic Studies
Lehigh County Historical Society
Historical Society of Pennsylvania
Preservation Pennsylvania
Preservation Virginia
Former Faculty Abstractor for Historical Abstracts published by ABC-CLIO
Former Book Review Editor for East/West Education
Contributor to the Supplemental Modern Encyclopedia of Russian and Soviet History
Former faculty manuscript reviewer for St. Martin's, Houghton-Mifflin, Harper-Collins, Oxford and other publishers
Spring 1993, participated in "Science across the Curriculum," a seminar sponsored by a Department of Education FIPSE grant
Summer 1990, studied Russian for five weeks in the former Soviet Union
Spring 1989, organized a graduate colloquium on nineteenth-century Russian history for Professor Walter Sablinsky