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Advancing the Humanities through Technology at Community Colleges
The Community College Humanities Association (CCHA) will carry out a two-year national education project entitled "Advancing the Humanities through Technology at Community Colleges" to the National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH). The project will provide a set of activities designed to allow teams from sixteen community colleges to develop and carry out action plans for integrating technology and the newest approaches to the study of the humanities into their humanities programs. The project will also furnish the participating community colleges with technology models, humanities materials, pedagogical approaches and support mentors to aide in the implementation of their action plans. These plans, along with the examples presented by visiting scholars and presenting mentors at a national conference, will serve as models for other community colleges across the nation.
The project's main components will include:
  1. A national conference to be held at George Mason University, 2-5 December 1999.
  2. Mentoring services which will enable sixteen competitively-selected, two-year colleges (represented by three-member teams) to work intensively at the national conference and in the following year to implement an action plan designed to integrate an innovative technology model into the humanities programs at their school.
  3. A web site with online discussion to provide information to all participants in the project and to other interested community college faculty and staff and to allow an ongoing discussion devoted to the impact of technology on humanities education at community colleges.
  4. Publication and dissemination of the technology models presented at the conference and the final reports of the community college teams.
Project staff will include:
  • Charles Evans, Associate Professor of History at Northern Virginia Community College (NVCC), who will serve as project director.
  • David A. Berry, Executive Director of the Community College Humanities Association, who will serve as project manager.
  • Roy Rosenzweig, Professor of History and Director of the Center for History and New Media at George Mason University, who will serve as project senior scholar.

This page is copyright © 1999, C.T. Evans
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Last revision:  11/99