Aleksandr III, Manifesto of April 29, 1881 (PDF)
Belinskii, Letter to Gogol' (PDF)
Professor Blois, Eisenstein's Ivan the Terrible Part II as Cultural Artifact (PDF)
A British Agent at Tilsit? (PDF)
Catherine the Great, Nakaz (PDF)
Expulsion of George Kennan from Russia (documents from Foreign Relations of the US)
Mikhail Gershenzon, "Introduction" to Vekhi, 1909
Kishinev Pogrom, 1903 (documents from Foreign Relations of the US)
Mikhail Lermontov, "Predskazanie" (Prediction)
Robert Massie, 1985 (excerpts of the interview conducted by Professor Blois about Peter the Great, PDF; also available as a doc)
Excerpt from the Primary Chronicle about the Mongols
Mary Platt Parmele (1843-1911) A Short History of Russia (1907, 4th edition). If you wish you can download the entire book (alternate site *.zip download).
Peter the Great, Decree on Single Inheritance (PDF)
Konstantin Pobedonostsev, "Excerpts" (PDF)
Mikhail Speranskii, "План всеобщего государственного образования"
Robinson and Beard, History of Europe (1921)
- Peter the Great
- Alexander I
- The Holy Alliance: Metternich Becomes the Chief Opponent of Revolution
- Nicholas I
- Alexander II
- Alexander III
- Nicholas II
Robinson and Beard, Readings in Modern European History (1909)
- An Englishman's Impressions of Ivan the Terrible
- Catherine the Great assumes the throne of Russia
- Letter of the English Ambassador describing Catherine the Great in 1778
- Catherine the Great letter to D'Alembert
- Alexander I and His Plans for Reform (excerpt from the memoirs of Prince Adam Czartoryski)
- The Holy Alliance, 1815
- Napoleon Proclamation, 22 June 1812
- The Crossing of the Berezina
- Nicholas I Abolishes an Independent Poland
- Petr Kropotkin Recalls Serfdom
- Lev Deutsch on the Siberian Exile System
- George Kennan on the Siberian Exile System
- Russia's Slow Industrialization
- August 1905 Manifesto
- Fundamental Laws, 1906
Lecture notes of Professor Thomas Hammond (PDF files)
- Mongol Influence on Russia
- Russia in 1825
- The Decembrists
- Nicholas I
- Russia in the Time of Nicholas I
- The Campaign to Assassinate the Tsar
- The Police and the Exile System
H. W. Williams, Russia of the Russians (New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1915) (PDF files)

- Table of Contents
- The Growth of Russia
- The Bureaucracy and the Constitution
- The Press
- The Intelligentsia
- Church and People
- Literature
- Music
- The Theatre
- Painting
- Architecture
- Peasants and Proprietors
- Trade and Industry
- In the Chief City
My Ph.D. dissertation, "Count Sergei Stroganov and the Development of Moscow University, 1835-1847" (PDF)