Community College Humanities Association (CCHA)
American Association of Community Colleges (AACC)
Center for History and New Media (CHNM) Roy Rosenzweig
at George Mason University
National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH)
Virginia Center for Digital History
Technology projects
American Social History Project, Stephen Brier at
the City University of New York
American Studies Crossroads Project, Randall
Bass at Georgetown University
Dogwood, Charlie Evans,
Aggie Taormina and Diane Thompson at Northern Virginia Community College
Amiens Cathedral Web Site, Stephen
Murray at Columbia University
Fiction and Technology, Dom Franco
The Written Text and Human Dialogue, Charley Boyd and Donna Ehrhart
Valley of the Shadow, William Thomas at the
University of Virginia
Humanities resources
Digital Classroom of the National Archives and Records
History Matters
H-NET: Humanities and Social Sciences
World Wide Web Virtual Library
World Lecture Hall